In the Great Plains Area (GPA) of South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa, the AI/AN population suffers from among the most significant public health disparities in the United States. GPTLHB can successfully address cancer disparities and advance cancer prevention by implementing the Great Plains Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (GPCCCP).
GPCCCP will accomplish its goals using evidence-based interventions (EBIs) and strategies to promote the primary prevention of cancer; support cancer early detection efforts; address the needs of cancer survivors; and promote health equity.
Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
We have supported the creation of the Great Plains Area Cancer Coalition (GPA-CC) to develop and implement a cancer control plan across the cancer continuum.
Plan Priorities
- Priority 1: Primary Prevention
- Priority 2: Early Detection and Screening
- Priority 3: Health and Wellbeing of Cancer Survivors
Download the Plan:
pdf Cancer Plan 2023 - 2027 Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
Program Resources and Documents
(Click a link Below to Download)
- image Smokeless
- image SkinCancerAwarness (1)
- image HPV
- pdf Vaping101
- pdf CRC Fact Sheet
- GPCCCP Cancer Coalition Commitment Agreement
- GPCCCP Membership and Expectations
- Program Director- Kelley Le Beaux
- Program Manager- LaToya Brave Heart
- Program Coordinator- Derrick Molash
- Policy Lead- Richard Mousseau