The Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health Board/Rosebud Sioux Tribe (GPTLHB/RST) Project LAUNCH will serve children ages 0-8 years old and their families living on and near the Rosebud Indian Reservation.
The project will help to develop safe supportive environments where children can thrive and grow up healthy and ready to learn. Using the public health approach, the project will focus on a two-prong strategy that strengthens the capacity and infrastructure of MCH systems in the pilot community and increases support to families through enhanced direct services.
In year one, the project will utilize the culturally responsive “Community Connections,” GONA style assessment and planning process to bring the community together to discover, dream, design, and deliver a strategic plan.
The plan will seek to break down silos; create a coordinated care environment; improve continuity of care, strengthen communications and collaborations between agencies, service provides, families; and build on current strengths to provide direct services that are evidence-based, culturally appropriate, and client-centered. The community lead program design will be implemented in Years 2-5.
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