Safe Healthy Children Immunization Toolkit
Immunization Misconceptions Brochure
Misinformation being spread via social media from uncredible sources may leave parents hesitant towards immunizations. The Misconceptions Brochure calms Parent’s concerns in a direct and easy-to-understand format.
pdf GPTLHB Immunization Misconceptions Brochure
Immunization Talking Points
This card provides talking points for health professionals and paraprofessionals to discuss the benefits of immunization on one side and tips on making immunization visits less stressful. We suggest laminating this card so it can be used at each visit.
pdf GPTLHB Immunization Talking Points
Keep Me Safe
Help remind parents to keep their children safe through immunizations with these materials:
pdf GPTLHB Immunization Keep Me Safe Poster
pdf GPTCHB Immunization Keep Me Safe Magnet
pdf GPTLHB Immunization Keep Me Safe Mousepad
Why I Choose Immunization Posters
Local American Indian mothers and grandmothers explain why they immunized their children.
pdf GPTLHB Why I Choose Immunization Posters
Immunization Wallet Card
Parents can keep track of their child’s immunizations with this folding small card that can easily be stored in a wallet. The information is straightforward and easy to read. Recommended immunizations are listed by the ages a child should receive each vaccination. A short description of the diseases each vaccination protects against will help parents to understand the importance of making sure their child receives every recommended immunization.
pdf GPTLHB Immunization Wallet Card
Pediatric Immunization Sample Resolution
The Sample Resolution gives you a starting point when taking Pediatric Immunization Initiatives to the next level in your Tribal community.
pdf GPTLHB Pediatric Immunization Sample Resolution
External Resources:
When beginning any initiative in a community, it is important to know the stage of readiness of the community to best identify successful and sustainable community-specific strategies. The Safe Healthy Children Project used the Community Readiness Model from the Tri-Ethnic Center of Colorado State University. More information about this model and a copy of the handbook can be found here:
Social Media is a great way to reach multiple age groups in a specific area fast. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has many easy-to-use Social Media Toolkits to help your facility keep up with the times. Visit their website to learn more and download their Toolkits:
Maternal and Child Health Presentations
GPTLHB Maternal and Child Health Resiliency Conference
- pdf Building Self Healing Communities - Caroline Cruz
- pdf NAS Symptoms Frequency
- pdf Creating A Supportive Environment for the Drug-Exposed Neonate - Loretta Finnegan, MD
- pdf ACE Study - Train the Trainers: A Community-based Approach
- pdf Abuse and Misuse of Prescription Drugs - Matthew Frye
Prenatal Care Materials
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